March has been a pretty stressful month. I know it is only the 9th and we still have a lot to do and to learn. Things just don't seem to be going our way. Life seems to be going in a downward spiral. It is quite insane. Finding happiness is getting harder and harder to do. Last week was a week of sorrow and stress. I am thinking that there wasn't much that made me happy. There are a few little things that really helped though and so I will tell you about them now.
1. My husband has a job. It isn't really helping that he has not had a lot of work but he has a job and that is Awesome.
2. My friend (she knows who she is) made me laugh at the gym. That is hard to do when I am in my slump.
3. My physical trainer cares. I know he does. He really wants to help me and he is trying so hard to help me figure out what it is going to take to get some better results.
4. I was able to go watch my friends kids and I enjoyed it so much. I got to hold her little baby while he slept. I didn't want to give him back. It was so sweet. I needed that.
5. I got out of town! 4 days. I took the kids to see my Mom and her fiance, my brother, and My dad and his wife. It was lots of fun. It was a good break and I was able to relax for the first time in a VERY VERY Long time.
6. My oldest had her follow up appointment. We were given permission to play around with her meds to find a good combination so that she doesn't get so tired. They say if she goes another year and a half without any seizures they will try and take her off her meds. So here is hoping.
7. My family is awesome and they have done what they can to help us out this month and I am so grateful for them.
8. My 2 year old LOVES going grocery shopping! That is nice because she makes grocery shopping so much more bearable because I so DISLIKE it.
9. My kids are always so good about getting up and getting ready for school in the morning. It is a happy thing to not have to fight them each day.
10. WIC- withouth it we would have NO food.
11. Fake boo boo's. I know this one sounds so funny but my youngest is having bandaid issues lately. She wants them so bad and so she pretends to have boo boo's. SO FUNNY!
Okay okay, so as you can see I have many reasons to be Happy. I am lucky even with the trials we are enduring through to have such things to be happy about.
Hope you all enjoy your M2B:)!
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