Tuesday, July 27, 2010


Wow I haven't written in 26 days! I guess I need to get on here more and do exactly what it is this blog was put here to do. It has been a long time and a lot has happened since I last wrote. I will start with the 4th and move on from there.

Happiness is a journey as I have discovered. Sometimes you have to fake it until you make it, other times it comes naturally. The 4th was a natural sense of happiness. We took a trip to visit family in Price. It felt so nice to just go and enjoy the sun and spend time with family. We really were relaxed. It was the first time in 10 years that going back felt like home. I vowed I would never live there again, however after that trip I might make an exception. We shall see. We enjoyed fireworks and food. We had a great time and wish that all trips could be that enjoyable.

We decided to stop at Temple Square on the way home from Price. My oldest had been begging me to take them there for a while and so when we were just passing through anyway, we decided to do it. We took the kids to see the Conference center and to the temple grounds and we visited the visitors center with the Christus and went over and saw the new SLC Temple diagram. It was really cool. The kids were excited to see what the inside of the temple looked like. If you haven't seen it, it is worth a trip there to do so. My kids loved every second of the day. We had a ton of fun and it is something they will remember. We also went to Tooele to see Grandma and Grandpa on the way home (really it was out of the way but it was fun)

That week was slow and stressful but we got through it.

My friend Came from Ohio for a visit and one day we went Wedding dress shopping as she is getting married. It was such a fun time to get together with the girls and do something so fun. I enjoyed watching the reactions of my dear friend as she tried each dress on. It was neat to see how happy she was. I thoroughly enjoyed the time I had with my friends that day.

When I returned home that day I had a message or TWENTY from my brother telling me I had to get hold of him and that it was URGENT. I don't mind getting Twenty messages from anyone, however these messages are the hardest to hear. My niece had passed away at the age of 10. I nearly fell over from the news. I didn't know what to say or how to react. The first thing I thought of was my daughter and how she was going to take that one of her best friends had just passed away. I struggled because I knew her mom and dad were both so sad and confused and I didn't know how to help them. I then couldn't imagine losing one of my children although I had lost a baby and felt a loss. It wasn't the same though because I never knew that baby the way we all knew Cheyenne. She was 10. Then I had to remember that she never went a day in her life without being in pain. I had to remember that she was no longer suffering. That she could walk and run with the angels. It makes me sad to know she is gone, but I am truly happy that I will be able to see her again someday.

The funeral was last Monday. I barely made it through the opening prayer (I was asked to say it). It was a beautiful service followed by her being taken to the cemetery in a horse drawn carriage followed by her family and her pony, Rusty.

The next day we spent with my step brother Ryan and his family. We went to Temple Square and had a good time. We visited lots of places and really had a ton of fun. The kids really enjoyed spending time with their cousins. It was a sad reason that we were all together but we tried our best at making it a happy occasion as well. We went and saw The Joseph Smith movie and I loved it. It was the first time I had seen it. I think what made it even more enjoyable was having my oldest there witnessing it with me and having her get nervous and asking me questions as to when things would happen and asking why things happened. I love the age of my oldest because they are curious and they ask many questions.

I am glad she is curious. This Sunday as we were sitting in Sacrament my oldest asked me why we partake of it. I knew the answer but I thought that taking out the scriptures and showing her the answer would be a better way, that way when she needed an answer to a question and I am not there she would know that she could pull out the scriptures and find the answer for herself. She was happy with the answer and seemed very excited to know.

Sunday also marked the ending of a great bishopric. Our bishop was released and another put in. It was a very bittersweet moment. I spent many hours in the bishops office learning about myself and about the gospel, all from a man who was very faithful and had a wonderful testimony. He was an amazing bishop and he will truly be a friend forever. Our new bishop is going to be GREAT. I love him and he will have a great influence on our ward.

Sometimes Change is hard, however it is necessary for growth. This month has been a month of Change and I hope that we all grow from it and the lessons we learn will be helpful to us in the future.

Happiness is a journey and I intend on keeping up with it......Thanks for reading!
Have a :0) Day.


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