Friday, May 6, 2011

Clicker? what do you think?

I recently read a blog talking about being positive about life. As I read I realized that I did not have a positive outlook on life. I decided to start looking for a way to help me achieve that positive outlook and so as I was reading other blogs and looking on the internet for some assurance that I could reach that place in my life, I came upon Hilary Weeks blog. She is absolutely amazing and she has said some things lately that have really stuck with me. I know I have not yet attended TOFW but I intend on going in the fall. She talks about keeping a clicker with her and counting how many times she says something negative, as she is doing it she realizes that she is clicking the clicker a lot more than she thought she would. As the days went by she noticed that the counts on the clicker were going up. She was starting to get more negative. When she realized that things weren't getting better, she decided to start clicking the clicker whenever she had a positive thought. As she did this she found that she was happier each day. I have decided that I am going to try this, but instead of a clicker I am going to use this blog. I think that if I am able to write a blog about all the positive things that are happening each day, that I will be able to achieve that positive outlook in life. Wish me luck and please read my blog and comment when you can and help me to achieve my goal of a more positive outlook on life!

Thanks for reading and I hope you have a :0) day!


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