Friday, May 7, 2010


I have so neglected this blog. It isn't that anything happy HASN'T happened, it is just that life has been really busy. It has been 2 weeks. Much has happened in the last 2 weeks to keep me away from here. From seizures, to chicken pox, to the flu, to hospital visits, well that is what my last two weeks have been like.

Today I am happy. I have a great life. Yeah sometimes it feels like things are never going to calm down, that we are going to have to deal with stressful situations for the rest of our lives but honestly those small trials in life are helping us to grow and learn. Some people hear my story of the last 6-7 months and they sit there with their jaw dropped and they wonder when things will get better. Well I am here to tell you that they never got bad. Yeah they got tough and we had a lot of trials, but we also received a lot of blessings along the way.

This past week I have felt so many emotions as we took our oldest daughter to PCMC to have tests done to find out why she has been having so many seizures. While I was stressed, worried and of course as any mother would, Freaking out, I was also feeling peace that we would find what was causing them, that no matter what it was, we would be able to find a way to help her deal with it. I felt hope that we would know the results of the tests quickly. We also knew that as we went into the tests that we would possibly find NOTHING. Of course that is what we hoped for. My oldest was so brave and strong. She was amazing. She went into those tests with faith that she would be okay. Between testing we took her to the Utah State Capital and took her on a tour of it. It was a fun day to remember. Yes she was stressed as we were, yes she had to have these tests done to her at PCMC but we were able to give her a reason to have a good memory of that day by taking her somewhere really cool.

So besides the fact that life has had its bumps in the road, I know that no matter what happens Heavenly father will be there to help us along.

My daughters tests all came back Normal. Which means there are no MAJOR problems in her brain causing her seizures. We go back this coming Tuesday to discuss the test results and figure out what we need to do next.

I am happy today that I am here and alive. I am thankful for such a wonderful family who is so strong and understanding. This truly is a great life I have. I consider myself very lucky.

Have a :0) Day!


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